Monday, 10 November 2014

P2. Recce Report and Health and Safety Issues

Location 1: Home

Address: Telegraph Street, Cottenham, Cambridge CB24 8QU

Description: Most of the infographics/posters will be produced at home on my computer.

Working from home may be more efficient as there are less people around to distract me, however there are other things that could draw away my attention (such as TV, Facebook, Ipad etc...)

Health and Safety Issues:

Problem 1: I could damage my eyes by looking at the screen for a long duration of time (whereas in college we would be given breaks/lessons would only be 1.5 hours). I could also give myself a headache from this.

Solution: Monitor the time spent at my computer desk more carefully, make sure I assign myself breaks and maybe set an alarm to remind me. Drink lots of water to prevent headaches (but not near computer)

Problem 2: Unlike at college, I consume food at my computer desk which could get into my keyboard/computer and cause damage (especially liquids such as soup).

Solution: First of all there is the option to not eat at my desk at all, in case any damage is caused and delays my work. If I do get hungry eat away from my desk or eat large solid food that wont spill/produce crumbs.

Problem 3: As I am working from home, I am using my own computer (meaning I will have the freedom to download things that are irrelevant to the work). This gives me the risk of catching viruses which could corrupt my work and possibly break/slow down my computer.

Solution: Make sure I have an anti virus that is always updated/active, and be extra careful when downloading from unknown sites (only download things from http addresses).

Problem 4: Again, due the comforts of my own home and an unsupportive chair I tend to slouch and sit in unhealthy positions when at my computer desk, which could cause damage to my spine inflicting back pain.

Solution: Instead of using a comfortable chair, I should swap it for a supportive one. I should also monitor how I sit and make sure its not doing any damage.

Location 2: Long Road Sixth Form College

Address: Long Road, Cambridge CB2 8PX

Description: Although I will mainly be producing my prints/infographics at home, I will also be sending them to my college laptop to get feedback from peers and teachers, and tweaking them there and then on the Photoshop files.

There are friends that I might chat to which will draw my attention away from my work. Also there might be other assignments/unit work that needs doing first, and therefore this project wont be main priority. Therefore working from home is the better option. 

Health and safety issues:

Problem 1: Although in college we're not aloud to bring food to class, we are aloud to bring water. If any water spilled on the laptop, it could damage or possibly break it - putting the work at risk. 

Solution: Go outside to drink water, Keep lid tightly screwed on when the waters inside, and don't have it sitting on the desk. 

Problem 2:  As the laptops are shared with other students, someone could accidentally delete the work. 

Solution: Save back ups onto another hard drive/memory stick just in case something does get deleted - also have the copies at home. 

Problem 3: As there is a class of us, I will be surrounded by people - some of which could have a contagious illness/cold. If I catch something it could slow down my work flow or cause me to take days of college.

Solution: Keep my immune system strong (take plenty of vitamin C and eat enough) as well as avoid close contact with anyone with a cold. 

Problem 4: As the class room is busy and full of equipment/objects, there is the risk of tripping over something on the ground and causing damage to oneself. 

Solution: Watch my step/where I am going, and pick up anything that has fallen onto the ground or move any wires that get in the way. 

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